Mystery Bell!

I never thought I’d own a yappy dog. But I do. When I encounter other dogs with their owners, I often hear, “That’s the yappy little dog that always barks at you.” Well, to be fair, Sophie rarely barks at them on the street. She prefers to bark safely from the top of the couch,… Continue reading Mystery Bell!

On Turning Sixty!

Today is the last day I’ll spend in my fifties. It’s been an excellent decade. I crammed so much living into the last ten years that my head’s still spinning. Disaster-relief nursing, volunteering at a homeless shelter, the marriage of one daughter, and becoming a grandmother. Plus working as a nurse until my recent retirement… Continue reading On Turning Sixty!

Inspiration in Unexpected Places!

While walking with my daughter through a medical office building, I spotted something bright pink, about two inches tall, near the entrance. Was it a piece of litter? Nope! It was a painted rock with a funny face with Bear Hugs written on it. It brought a smile to my face instantly. It reminded me… Continue reading Inspiration in Unexpected Places!

Choose Happiness over Anxiety!

My hubby, Guy, explained how to tackle worry and anxiety. “First of all, set aside fifteen minutes twice a day to worry.” That sounded pretty easy. I could do that, no problem! “For the first five minutes, you can worry about whatever is bothering you. Then, for the next ten minutes, you flood your brain… Continue reading Choose Happiness over Anxiety!

Gardening Goals!

Gardeners display a rare optimism. Despite factors beyond their control—such as extreme weather conditions and Japanese beetles to name just two—gardeners continue to plant each year and hope for the best. And, the amazing thing is that plants usually turn out well. I am no different than the average gardener. At my previous home, the… Continue reading Gardening Goals!

Smile Cookies!

I stood in line at Tim Horton’s in Chatham. In front of me was a couple in their forties. In front of them, and being served was an older gentleman. He was furious! He repeated his order to the young girl working at the cash register. A mature employee was working alongside her. The senior… Continue reading Smile Cookies!

A Grandmother Overcomes Anxiety

Max Lucado said it best— “How can a person deal with anxiety? You might try what one fellow did. He worried so much that he decided to hire someone to do his worrying for him. He found a man who agreed to be his hired worrier for a salary of $200,000 per year. After the… Continue reading A Grandmother Overcomes Anxiety

O Canada!

I admit it. I always tear up a bit when I hear our national anthem played. It wasn’t always this way. It takes leaving the country to see how much pride one has for Canada and Canadians. When I was twenty years old, I backpacked through Southeast Asia. Whenever I crossed paths with someone sporting… Continue reading O Canada!

In My Path!

Everyone in our neighbourhood received a letter last fall informing us that fibre optic cable for high-speed internet would be installed sometime in the future. We had to give consent before our lawns would be dug up for its installation. Of course, I agreed but I added to my reply email, “Please don’t dig up… Continue reading In My Path!

The Good Shepherd

Being a decent mother-in-law can be tough considering how many jokes you hear about them. There’s definitely a unique bond between in-laws. Some would call it something different, that’s for sure! Yet, you really have no say in the matter when it comes to who your children fall in love with, do you? No one… Continue reading The Good Shepherd